Breast Operations

breast operation

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is a type of plastic surgery that aims to increase the size of a patient’s breasts by placing a breast implant. This surgery can be performed due to varies reasons such as confidence boost, achieving more proportional figure or sagging etc. The implants used in this surgery can be different sizes, shapes, materials depending on your surgeon’s suggestions and your expectation from this surgery.

Where is breast implant placed?

Subglandular Placement

With this placement, the breast implant is placed between the existing breast tissue sections and the chest muscle using a technique known as subglandular (subfascial) or over the muscle implantation. The major goal of this procedure is to keep the implant below the glands of the breast.

breast operation

Submuscular Placement

This placement allows your surgeon to place the implant under the muscle that is called pectoralis major muscle located at the chest.

Dual-plane Placement

A dual-plane placement is a method in which your breast implant is partially hidden behind the pectoralis muscle and partially hidden behind the breast tissue. Dual-plane combines the two methods mentioned above. This placement is advantageous in terms of hiding the implant using more soft tissue. For that reason, the implant-breast transition is more natural and enhances the breast more.

Breast Implant Incisions
Inframammary Incision
This incision is the most used technique due to the fact that it can be advantageous for almost all type of patients. It is positioned under the breast where the fold meets the chest wall and the scar can be easily hidden by a bra or swimsuit once it is healed. The incision length is usually 4cm the shortest and 6 cm the longest depending on the size of the implant that will be placed in the surgery.
Transaxillary (armpit) Incision
This incision is made in the armpit, within the natural folds of skin that exist there. If this type of incision is used, the implant needs to be placed completely under the muscle by a pathway created to the breast pocket from the armpit.
Periareolar Incision
Periareolar incisions are made at the outer edge of the areola, following the curve that separates the darker skin of the nipple from the rest of your breast. The periareolar incision is associated with the highest risk of incapacity to nurse a child following the procedure, and infection risk is significant due to the breast canals. As a result, this method should not be used on all patients.

Breast Uplift

Breasts can lose firmness due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, age or weight loss. If you are not happy with this, you might think about having breast uplift (or breast lift) surgery to alter the appearance of your breasts. If your breasts are uneven, you might want to have an uplift on just one or both. Excess skin from beneath your breasts will be removed by the surgeon to reshape them. Your nipple is lifted to higher position, and the skin and surrounding tissue are tightened. Breast uplift can be performed with or without implants depending on the breast condition and the patient’s expectation. To perform this type of breast surgery, your surgeon can use different incisions depending on your breast size and shape, skin elasticity, areola size and sagging.

Inverted T or anchor: This incision continues across your areola, down to your breast crease vertically, and then along your breast crease horizontally.


Vertical or lollipop lift: This incision circles your areola and goes vertically down from your areola to your breast crease.


Donut: This incision circles your entire areola.

Duration of stay in Turkey     1 night in the hospital, 4 nights at the hotel – 5 nights
Surgery duration     2-3 hours
Recovery period    2 weeks to go back to work depending on the job
Exercise    2 weeks for light cardio and 8 weeks for weightlifting
Post-op    Tapes are used for 6 weeks in total


Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery, commonly referred to as reduction mammaplasty, involves the removal of breast skin, breast tissue, and fat with the purpose of making the breasts smaller and lifted and the shape rounder. Breast reduction surgery can reduce discomfort and enhance the appearance for patients who have large breasts. Moreover, breast reduction surgery could enhance one’s self-confidence and capacity for physical activity. This surgery uses the same type of incisions as the breast uplift surgery.
breast operation

Am I suitable for a Breast surgery?

The best decision can be made by your plastic surgeon based on your pictures and medical background. However, you might not be a good candidate for the operations indicated above if you have specific health conditions, a high BMI, or are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. You can contact us to get more information and decide if you are suitable for the type of breast surgery you wish to have.

Breast surgeries can be combined with

  • Liposuction
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Tummy tuck
Many other procedures when indicated

Advantages of Breast surgery

The best decision can be made by your plastic surgeon based on your pictures and medical background. However, you might not be a good candidate for the operations indicated above if you have specific health conditions, a high BMI, or are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. You can contact us to get more information and decide if you are suitable for the type of breast surgery you wish to have.
  • Your online consultation will inform you about everything you need to know before you even book your package. Your surgeon will share the details such as what steps will be followed in the surgery.

  • The packages we offer include hotel accommodation, transfers, translator etc. You’ll be well taken care of during your stay in Izmir, Turkey. We also have a private nurse planned to visit you after your discharge from the hospital.

  • You can achieve your dream body by booking your surgery with affordable prices while still receiving a VIP service. Your surgery will take place in a private hospital in Izmir, Turkey.

  • You’ll be informed about the details of your surgery plan in your pre-op consultation. Your surgeon will be taking his time to listen to your concerns and explain how they can be solved in the surgery.
breast operation


  • After your breast surgery, laying down on your stomach is not allowed for 8 weeks.
  • Light exercises such as jogging can be started in two weeks after the surgery. Weightlifting is not recommended for 8 weeks.
  • Sunbathing and solarium are not recommended for 6 weeks.
  • Swimming in the pool for 8 weeks is also not allowed.
  • You’ll have tapes on your stitches when you are going home. Make sure to keep the tapes on for a week. At the end of one week, they can be removed in the shower gently or you can use moisturizer to remove them. Your surgeon will advise if you need extra tapes for scars or scar gels.
  • You’ll be provided with a surgical bra after your surgery. It should be worn for at least 2 weeks and after 2 weeks, you can start wearing sports bras. They shouldn’t be too tight. At the end of 8 weeks, you can start wearing bras with wires.
  • Depending on the type of surgery you have, you might be advised to apply palm massages. Your surgeon will explain how to apply these massages on your post-op consultation if needed.

Pre-Op instructions:

  • Maintain a healthy diet.

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol a week before your surgery.

  • A mammogram should be conducted prior to surgery if you are aware of any medical issues.

  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Arnica, Omega-3, herbal and sport supplements as they can increase bleeding.

  • You should avoid smoking at least a month before and for the duration of your recovery period.
  • T3-T4-TSH tests are required for our patients with thyroid.
  • Some antidepressants and birth control pills are not allowed prior to the surgery.

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.

  • Update the team about the current state of your health if there any changes.


breast operation
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